Questions? 847-296-3490

Extended Care

Before and After Extended Care

St. Emily started the Extended Care Program in 1987 to assist working parents.  Care is available from 6:30-7:45 a.m. and after school from 2:45-6:00 p.m. on regularly scheduled school days and most early dismissal days.

Children have the opportunity for large motor activities in the gym until 3:30 pm.  We then proceed to the extended care room for a snack provided by the program.  From there, the children can play, do art projects and various other free choice activities.  A supervised homework room is available for the students.

  •  Non-refundable registration fees: $30.00 per child

  • Fall & Spring Short Term registration $10 per child per season

  • Hourly rates: 1 child $9.00; 2 children $13;  3+ children $17

  • Short Term Sports – Hourly rates Apply

Below is more information about the program and registration.  Call the school if you would like additional information.  Weekly registration sheets go out in the Wednesday’s News.

Extended Care

Extended Care Registration form

Extended Care Hourly Rates

If you Have Any Questions Call Us At 847-296-3490