Alumni Giving Opportunities
Due in large part to the support of its community of alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, parishioners and friends, St. Emily is able to fulfill its mission to provide an excellent, faith-based Catholic education to its diverse community of students.
Since tuition covers only a portion of the full cost of education, St. Emily relies on the partnership and generosity of everyone to continue our mission of educating and invigorating the mind, spirit, heart, body and imagination of our students.
We invite you to review the opportunities available at the online giving link below to participate in our mission to champion the growth and development of our students. A gift of any amount make a difference and is greatly appreciated. Ask your employer if it has a matching gift program as you may be able to double your donation.
Please also consider remembering St. Emily School in your estate planning to help maintain a strong and visible St. Emily’s for future generations of Eagles! In addition, gifts of stock, real estate, or listing St. Emily School as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy are other ways in which you can share in the continued success and vibrant future of St. Emily School. If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to or contact the school (847-296-3490) or parish office (847-824-5049).